Using the Death Literacy Index (DLI)

The DLI, like any survey tool, can be used in many different ways. How you use it, depends on what you want to do.



  • To create new knowledge

  • Test a theory or assumptions

  • Translate the DLI into another language

  • Test if the DLI is a valid tool for your country/culture/group



  • To understand more about a framework or program that involves death literacy:

    • Did it work?

    • Was it useful?

    • Did some aspect of death literacy change because of the program?


To start conversations:

Give the DLI to people in your community to start conversations about death literacy. There are many ways to do this and it can be an engaging way to begin conversations about:

  • Death Literacy, what it is, why it’s important

  • What are we doing well?

  • What do we need to work on? Who in our community can help us with this?

  • What education/engagement might be helpful for us to do? What would this look like?